Updates for NSO/SSOs in this release include:
1. Providers - Visibility of providers of lower levels
2. Coaches - Visibility of coaches of lower levels
3. Coaches - Changes to how to activate a coach in an organisation
1. Providers - Visibility of providers of lower levels
When a user goes to School Bookings -> providers, the user will now get access to all the providers that are linked not only to their level (NSO, SSO) but also to all providers linked to a sublevel of their level.
So, an ASC user will see all providers, an NSO user will see all providers for their NSO and all their SSOs. An SSO user will only see the providers for their SSO only.
2. Coaches - Visibility of coaches of lower levels
A user that enters the coaches screen via Officials -> Coaches, will now be able to see all coaches of the levels below their level.
When entering the screen for the first time, a filter will pop up to select one of the sports you have access to (or * for all sports)
The overview will be opened:
From the overview, you can:
- View and manage the leave for a coach
- View the assignments for the selected coach
- Activate the coach in an organisation (see point 3 below)
The overview shows:
- First name
- Last name
- Age
- Gender,
- Working with children states of the coach (where they have a WWCC approved)
- How many organizations is the coach active in/total requested activations
3. Activate a coach in an organisation
In the Officials -> Coaches view, select a coach and click the gears icon (3 in overview above) to open all of the coach link requests (a user will only see the requests for the NSO, SSO, provider they are intitled to see);
A new pop up will be opened:
- Click to activate or deactivate a coach for this level.
- Delete the link between the coach and the NSO/SSO/Provider – please only delete links related to your organisation.
Click Close to go back to the coaches overview.