Sporting Schools offers two funding programs for schools to deliver sport activities before, during or after school hours using one of our national sporting organisation (NSO) partners.
Special Schools may have enrolled students in primary and/or secondary year levels and if so, are eligible to apply for a Sporting Schools Primary School Grant and/or a targeted Secondary Schools Grant.
Sporting Schools recognises that Special Schools may have enrolled students that are equivalent developmentally to primary or secondary school aged students.
Equivalent developmentally means students have been assessed by the school based on their learning outcomes against the curriculum achievement standards as equivalent to:
- primary school students across the P to Years 6 Levels for one or more learning area; or
- secondary school students across the Years 7 to Year 8 Levels for one or more learning area.
For example, your Special School has assessed 14-year-old students and deemed them equivalent developmentally to Year 6 students (primary school aged). Your school could apply for a Primary School Grant if your school is eligible and declare these students as part of your P-6 enrolments in your application.
If your Special School has assessed 16-year-old students as being equivalent developmentally to Year 8 students (secondary school aged), if eligible, your school could apply for a targeted Secondary School Grant - make sure you indicate that the target audience is equivalent developmentally to Year 8 students and supports achieving the program goals.