During the application open dates, schools can submit one application each term for the grant type/s they are eligible for and can nominate to deliver between one and three partner sports in their application. Please only apply for the number of programs you intend on delivering.
Combined schools and special schools may apply for a primary and secondary school grant (for Years 7 and 8) each term if they meet the eligibility criteria.
Details about application open and close dates will be available via the Sporting Schools website, our Sporting Schools Update (term newsletter) and our social media accounts.
Application submission dates for 2025
Term 1, 2025: 8am AEDT Monday 21 October, 2024 - 5pm AEDT Friday 8 November, 2024
Term 2, 2025: 8am AEDT Monday 17 February, 2025 - 5pm AEDT Friday 7 March, 2025
Term 3, 2025: 8am AEST Monday 12 May, 2025 - 5pm AEST Friday 30 May, 2025
Term 4, 2025: 8am AEST Monday 4 August, 2025 - 5pm AEST Friday 22 August, 2025
Before schools apply for funding they need to:
1. Be registered. Please complete and/or ensure your school is registered via the Sporting Schools website
2. Meet funding eligibility requirements
3. Review program parameters and terms and conditions
Step 1 - Access the Application
A registered school contact (Sporting Schools Coordinator, Principal or Finance Contact) can:
- Open a web browser window and navigate to www.sportingschools.gov.au
- Log in using their email address and password, as well as confirming via multi-factorial authentication
- Click on the ‘Grants’ tab
- Select your school by clicking on 'View school's grants'
- Arrive at 'School grants' page
- Arrive at 'School grants' page
NOTE: If grants are closed, you will see 'Select a school' call to action is displayed.
NOTE: If you are having trouble accessing the application form, please check that your school meets the eligibility requirements and please DO NOT re-register. You can contact our Program Operations Centre support@sportingschools.gov.au or call us on 1300 785 707.
Step 2 - Application Form
- If grants are open and you school is eligible to apply, click ’Apply for a primary/secondary school grant’ (Prerequisite: School account should be verified & bank details should be validated)
- You will be directed to the 'School details' page. You will need to confirm your school's bank and school account information before proceeding.
- If you need to update your bank account, then click on 'Update bank account' and you will be directed to the school profile page, then go to bank account section and update bank details. These will then need to be validated by another contact on the school account before you can access a grant application. NOTE: if your school has shared services then 'Update bank account' won't be visible
- If you need to update school contacts, then click on 'Update school contacts' and you will be directed to the school profile page and then to the contacts section.
- Once complete then go to 'Grants' again and continue completing the application.
- Select either Yes or No to the mandatory option under 'Child Safety' compliance - noting that schools which do not meet the 'Child safety' compliance and select No, are not eligible to apply for Sporting Schools funding.
- Tick confirmation box, then click next.
Step 3 - Program Details
This section outlines your sport delivery plan.
- To begin, click on 'Add sport to plan'
- Select a partner sport from the list available and enter the number of students that will be participating, the number of sessions each student will participate in, and whether the program will be coach or teacher delivered. Then click 'Add sport to plan'.
- If you wish to update the sport plan, simply click 'Update' from the drop down as seen below:
- make the updates and then once again click 'Update sport to plan'.
- similarly, to remove any sport plan, click 'Remove' from the drop-down list to remove.
- Schools can add up to three sports per application, noting that schools should only apply for the number of programs they intend on delivering if successful with their application.
- Continue to fill out any mandatory fields on this page and click 'next'. Please note that there will be a section on 'participating students' for secondary schools however this section does not appear for primary schools.
- The next section has information on Additional Support. Please fill out any mandatory details if your school is eligible, otherwise click 'Next'.
NOTE: Additional support funding is available for special schools, schools in regional and remote locations and schools with students with special needs. Primary, secondary and combined schools with anticipated additional program delivery costs due to location or students with disability can apply for up to $500 (GST exclusive) in Additional Support funding. Special schools can apply for up to $1,000 (GST exclusive) in Additional Support funding.
- If your school is eligible AND foresees additional program delivery costs due to being in a regional or remote location and/or engaging students with disability, please fill in the details that are required, as seen below:
Step 4 - Summary
This is the grant summary page, where you will need to check all the information is correct, once you are happy with it:
- Tick ‘I Agree’ to confirm the information provided in your funding application is true and correct and you accept the programs terms and conditions.
- Click ‘Submit’
When your application is successfully submitted you will see the submission confirmation page. Click 'Return to grants' to return to the main page.
You will also receive an email saying that your application has been submitted.
If you require any assistance, please contact our Program Operations Centre on 1300 785 707 or support@sportingschools.gov.au
Has our application been approved?
Assessment of applications usually takes approximately 10 business days once the application close date has passed. Your school’s nominated contacts (Sporting Schools Coordinator, Finance Contact and Principal) will receive an email notifying them of your application's outcome.
Can we submit an application after the application close date?
No, once applications close, you will not be able to access the form to complete and submit an application.
If you are having issues accessing the form during the application period, contact Sporting Schools immediately on 1300 785 707.
NOTE: Sporting Schools is not obliged to cover costs for programs arranged before a funding outcome confirmation was supplied to a school. Schools run the risk of having to fund programs that have been organised and run without funding approval.