This article is for NSO/SSOs to add or adjust already created sessions.
Included in this article:
- When you use this screen
- Navigating to Session management
- Adding a new session
- Adjusting an existing session
- Cancelling a session
When you use this screen
Session management is used after you have created the sessions via the Generate sessions function. See here for more info on creating sessions Creating session dates/times (NSO/SSO)
Navigating to Session management
- Go to OfficialsHQ
- Navigate to Schools Bookings -> Booking management (shortcut here)
- Select the booking you are interested in
- Select the Session Management function (calendar icon)
Adding a new session
(if you want to add a class instead, go here Add a class (NSO/SSO))
- Select the Add function (+ button)
- Enter the session variables
- Session name
- Class number (this needs to be one of the classes already created)
- Session number (you cannot select a session number already created)
- Start date
- Duration
Adjusting an existing session
- Select the session you want to adjust
- Select the Update function (pen icon)
- Make the adjustments to the session as required
Cancelling a session
- Select the session you want to cancel
- Select the Cancel function (red icon)
- The session will now show as Cancelled
- From here the session can be re-selected and Deleted if required