Before registering your school, register as a website user.
If you are already a registered user, go directly to Step 1 - Register a School.
To register a new user, refer to ‘How do I setup multi-factor authentication? for a detailed step-by-step process.
Video: Registering a School
If you have registered as a user, please follow the steps in this video or the instructions below to register a school.
Step 1 - Register a School
A registered website user can:
- Open a web browser window and navigate to
- Sign in using your email address and password
- Click on 'School' and select 'register a school'
Step 2 - Find your School
- Start typing the name of your school
- Click on your school name, click 'next'
Please note: If your school is already registered, a notification will appear. Please talk to your school's administration area about adding you as an authorised contact. Alternatively, you can also contact Sporting Schools at or 1300 785 707 to discuss this further.
If your school does not appear, please contact the Sporting Schools Program Operations Centre.
Step 3 - School Details
- Check the pre-populated information and ensure the details entered are correct. If not please amend accordingly.
Step 4 - School Contacts
- Add a Principal, Finance Contact and Sporting Schools Coordinator (primary schools) or Secondary Schools Coordinator (secondary schools) by selecting 'add contact'
- Enter name, email address and phone number
- Repeat for each contact until all roles have been added
- Click 'next'
Please note: New contacts not registered with Sporting Schools will be invited to register.
Step 6 - Bank Details
Finally, you need to update the schools bank details.
- Enter payee name, bank name, BSB Code, account number, and remittance email address
- Click 'next'
After the school registration is verified, the finance contact will receive an email to validate the bank account.
Step 6 - Registration Summary
Review all of your school's details and ensure everything is true and correct before submitting.
Once complete, and if eligible, your school can apply for funding.