To ensure security of the new Sporting Schools system, all users accessing the new system from
Monday 9 October, 2023 will be required to use a mobile phone for multi-factor authentication. Multi-factor authentication will be required every time you access the Sporting Schools system by sending a unique code to your mobile device to confirm your identity.
If you are unable to access a mobile device, please contact the Sporting Schools Program Operations Centre.
To set up multi-factor authentication access the Sporting Schools system and follow the steps below.
- Visit the new Sporting Schools portal and select 'Sign up now' (below the blue 'Sign in' bar).
2. Enter your personal school-based email address and select 'send verification code'.
Note: if you are already registered to a school through Sporting Schools (but yet to set up MFA) please use the same email address.
3. A code will be sent to your email address. Add the code and select 'verify code' then create a password for the account and select 'Sign Up'.
4. You will be directed to enter a mobile number for multi-factor authentication. Enter the mobile number and select 'Send Code'. A code will be sent to your mobile device.
5. Enter the code and select verify code. Your mobile number will then be enabled for multi-factor authentication and you will be able to enter the system and access your school.
The next time you access the system you will be prompted to validate your account.
Enter login details and click ‘Sign in’
6. Click 'Send Code' in Multi-factor authentication
7. Enter the code from mobile in 'Enter your verification code' field and click 'Verify Code'.