If your school did not deliver a program during the funding period (school term), you are still required to:
- complete the acquittal; and
- submit your Program Delivery Survey.
Don’t worry, these forms are shorter and faster to complete if you have not delivered a program. Refer to When can I submit my acquittal? for acquittal open and close dates.
NOTE: If you booked a program via the booking system, but did not deliver the program you must 'cancel' the booking prior to the booking system closing for the term. For information on how to cancel the booking please click here. If the booking system is closed, please contact the sport or assigned sporting organisation and ask them to cancel the booking on your behalf.
Schools receive funding to deliver Sporting Schools programs. If you have not delivered a program and have no expenses to claim, you still must complete the acquittal. The process ensures that schools use the Australian Sports Commission funds according to the program parameters and terms and conditions.
NOTE: Schools cannot use the funding for expenses outside the approved school term (i.e. rollover of funds).
If you did not deliver a sport program during the funding period (school term), you will need to submit the Acquittal form by completing the following:
- Log into your Sporting Schools account to access the acquittal form
- Select ‘No’ for the statement 'My School successfully delivered one or more nominated sport programs and/or requested sport package bookings during the acquittal period.'
- Select a ‘Non-Delivery Reason’ from the drop down list and add a comment
- Submit your acquittal.
It’s important to note:
- A tax invoice will be generated for the unspent funds;
- Do not return any funds to the Sporting Schools program (or the Australian Sports Commission) until you receive an invoice as it includes payment instructions;
- Australian Sports Commission invoices are to be paid within 30 days either by electronic transfer, cheque or credit card; and
- You will not be able to access any future grant application forms if any invoices (debts) are outstanding.
Program Delivery Survey
The Program Delivery Survey will be sent to your coordinator via email towards the end of the term. Your school must provide information regarding its program activities as required by the Australian Sports Commission.
If you did not deliver a sport program during the term, you will need to submit the Program Delivery Survey by completing the following:
- Access the Program Delivery Survey via email (sent to the coordinator towards the end of the term)
- School name
- Your full name (respondent)
- Your position at the school
- Select ‘No’ to the question 'Did your school deliver at least one Sporting Schools program…'
- Enter a reason in the text box provided
- Provide some feedback on the Sporting Schools program
- Submit the survey