This article is for NSO administrators to configure the routing of bookings in OfficialsHQ.
Included in this article:
- Who can configure the booking routing
- What routing options are available
- Configuring my routing options
- Adjusting a routing option
- Deleting a routing option
Who can configure the booking routing
Only NSO admins can configure booking routing.
What routing options are available
You can set the routing for both coach and teacher delivered bookings to your SSOs or directly to your NSO.
Settings are made per delivery type per state.
Example 1
- Coach delivered bookings to each state
- Teacher delivered bookings to your NSO
Example 2
- Coach delivered bookings to each state, except for NT
- Coach delivered bookings for NT to your NSO
- Teacher delivered bookings to your NSO
Example 3
- Coach delivered bookings to each state, apart from ACT booking which go to the NSW SSO
- Teacher delivered bookings to NSW, VIC and QLD, all others to your NSO
Configuring my routing options
- Log into OfficialsHQ
- Go to Configuration -> School courses -> Automatic routing (or here)
- Select the + button
- Select the delivery type (Coach or Teacher)
- Select the state the school is making the booking from
- Select the SSO or your NSO for the booking to be routed to
- Select Save
- Repeat for all your coach and teacher delivered bookings per state
Adjust routing option
- Log into OfficialsHQ
- Go to Configuration -> School courses -> Automatic routing (or here)
- Select the config you want to adjust
- Select the pen icon
- Adjust the routing config
- Select Save
Deleting a routing option
- Log into OfficialsHQ
- Go to Configuration -> School courses -> Automatic routing (or here)
- Select the config you want to delete
- Select the bin icon